GPS Steering

The innovation in agriculture

Since many years we work with the system of AG leader and are happy with itsreliability, precision and user friendliness.
The components are very attuned and ensure easy usage.

AG Leader is one of the world market leaders for self steering machines in agriculture - besides that they provide much more products in the field of automation and field management

Investment incentiv of 40% for a GPS system

Take now the chance of the investment incentive from the Agriculture department Austria. Easy and fast via your local "Bezirksbauernkammer". If you want to we can help you with the incentive. Get now up to 10.000 € back!

Find more information here

Benefits of a GPS system:

  • longer concentrated work possible due to the co-working tractor (e.g. weeding, cultivating ... )
  • Less costs - faster and optimized work - no overlaps
  • better field management (Allocation fields, History of work, ...)
  • Tracking of field performance
  • Precision up to 3 centimeters
  • very slow work speed possible
  • Management and after work changes possible via computer/tablet


Antenne GPS AG leader

Different possibilities. In oder to increase precision combination with RTK and/or GSM/3G possible/p>


Display Steering AG Leader GPS

The controller computizes the information from the antenna and steeres the tractor precisly within centimeters
In combination with the GPS 6500 System it supports GLIDE , WAAS/EGNOS, Terra-Star and RTK, for the best precision.


Displays AG leader GPS

From a small to a big display, we provide everything. Easy navigation and usability is on of the key success factors.

We provide year long knowledge and experience in the field of automative driving - Consulting / Setup / Support.
Just name your type of tractor and we will provide the best solution.
The setup is done within 1 day, we also explain the system to you and provide support during the whole process - also afterwards we will be available for your questions.

Just give us a call for more information or your personal offer - 0664/4178204 or